Website Speed Print

  • caching, cache, speed, website speed, speed optimization
  • 89

To speed up your website use your cache. 

We use a website speed test by Google you can find here:

With a little tweaking, websites load much faster with caching. In Joomla, we recommend using the "System - Page Cache" with "Use Browser Caching". There are some components that do not work well with the system cache turned on. In those cases, you can use the Advanced tab and exclude the problem URLs. The duration of the page cache is controlled under "System" -> "Global Configuration -> "System" (tab). To further speed up things by compressing the buffered content enable "Gzip page compression" under the "Server" (tab).

For even more control over your websites caching you can look for the advanced controls under the plugin called "JCH Optimise Pro". With some tweaking of the JCH, I have routinely seen sites reach 99% on the Google speed test.

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