robots.txt text files Print

  • 104

# Below is the text we place in the robots text file. This allows search engines like google to crawl the website. Notice how the disallow has been commented out :)


# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
# For syntax checking, see:

User-agent: *
#Disallow: /administrator/
#Disallow: /cache/
#Disallow: /cli/
#Disallow: /components/
#Disallow: /images/sampledata
#Disallow: /includes/
#Disallow: /installation/
#Disallow: /language/
#Disallow: /libraries/
#Disallow: /logs/
#Disallow: /media/
#Disallow: /modules/
#Disallow: /plugins/
#Disallow: /templates/
#Disallow: /tmp/

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