
Image Marker for Gravity Forms
  • Users can click on an image to place marks-visualized as small indicators like red dots-and the coordinates of these marks are captured and stored for processing. Interactive Marking
  • Administrators can set the field as "Required," ensuring users add at least one mark before submitting the form. If no marks are added, a validation message prompts the user to engage with the image. Mandatory Input Option
  • In the Gravity Forms editor, form creators can configure the field by selecting the image, setting canvas dimensions, and applying options like CSS classes or conditional logic for a tailored setup. Customizable Settings
  • After submission, the marks are scaled to the original image size, drawn onto the image (e.g., as red dots), and saved as a new file linked to the form entry. Processed Output
  • The marked image is automatically included in Gravity Forms' email notifications, so recipients can see the user's input right in their inbox. Email Integration
  • The field blends naturally into Gravity Forms, appearing as a standard field type with its own settings and validation, making it easy to use for everyone involved. User-Friendly Design
  • Front-end JavaScript powers the interactive experience, capturing clicks on the image and storing coordinates in a hidden input field for submission. Real-Time Interaction